Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Sadie was a pretty good girl at the vet. I asked how she did and Brandy said she was very vocal but she was fine.  Another nice day,60degrees, I can see my daffadils in full bloom from my window. The bluebirds think that it is spring out,they have been checking out the nest box. Unfortunately all the insects are out too,
including yellow jackets!!!


  1. Sorry to hear that you have 60 degree weather there!!! We are starting to get pretty cold here.When the daffodil leaves turn yellow, get the boys to trim them down--this stores energy and ensures a bloom for next year. I wonder if they will bloom a second time this year.
    You could just pretend this is spring.........

  2. Carol,Ill let you know if my flowers come back up
    or not. I have to leave to take Dan to school.
    I Love You, Deb oxox


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