Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Deb, I love you and speak to "you know who" on your behalf at least 10 times each day. I tell him how you are seriously undeserving of anything less than bliss. He agrees. But he did bring to my attention something that maybe you can help me with. Today is a special day......It is National Return the Shopping Cart Day. How can we attain "bliss"when this is what we have amongst us! Please help me try to convince her to change her ways.

1 comment:

  1. Di, dont worry about me,I have it made compared
    to so many people,there are people stuck in wheelchairs for life,people that are stuck in bed
    for life,burn victims that need 30 surgeries,ect.
    ect.God has allowed this to happen to me for a reason,and I know alot of good things will happen because of it. I love you,Deb
    P.S. I'm sure Linda is just borrowing the cart.


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