Monday, March 11, 2013

I took Sadie back to the vet today.She got one of her stitches out on Saturdy!The vet said that if she gets this last stitch out they will have to put her to sleep to sew her ear to her head!She still has to keep her cone on.The vet gave me more prednisone to give her.We go back friday for another follow up.It is a cloudy day,they are calling for thunderstorms tonight.I am not going to physical therapy any more.It didnt help me. oxox


  1. Gee Deb, I'm sorry that you feel the physical therapy didn't work. It was very painful and difficult for me in the beginning but I really think that overall it was good to get me out of the house when I really didn't want to go and motivate me to get my body moving. I did reconstruct many of the tools that they use right in my house. Now that I think about it I haven't used my punching bag in a few weeks.... it's raining today so maybe I'll sign off and pretend I'm in the ring with Mike Tyson. xo

  2. Di,I am really going to try to wear my support sleeve everyday.Thats whats gonna heip me.I wear heavy support stockings everyday and they help me alot.It is so much fun getting old!Isnt it?They also make a special pump for lymphadema.Mabe I can get one and try that.I Love You oxox


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