Saturday, March 2, 2013

God is Good

Sadie was able to get her stitches out today and her cone off after all! YAY...YAY...YAY! I had a bad experience at physical therapy on Thursday. I have to lay flat on my back on a table like thingy to do alot of arm exercises.When I got back up the whole room was spinning around,I was sick to my stomache and I had a hard time driving home.I prayed the whole time that the Lord would not let me pass out and that I would get home safely.I am still dealing with vertigo! My bloodwork came back good.I dont have a clotting problem.My doctor is sending me to see a vascular doctor on Thursday because I have all these lumps in my legs.My doctor has me on antibiotics now. I hope they make me feel better soon. Sadie and I havent been out for a walk in 2 weeks! I am hoping that I feel better next week so we can go for a walk!I love everyone. Have a great weekend! oxox

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