Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Never a Dull Moment!

I have one of those Killer colds.I have been on the couch for three days.I took Sadie to the vet today, she has a hematoma on her right ear and has to have surgery on Friday! The fun part will be trying to get her to keep an Elizabethan collar on for 10 days! I Love Everyone.have a good week! oxox


  1. Yikes Deb, my girls are sick as well. Please send Sadie our love and best wishes for a full recovery. Nikita was very sick on Monday to the point that I thought it would be the last day I would have with her and today she is up, running through the snow and barking at the neighbors. She will be 17 in May but acts like a puppy in a snowstorm. She has not been to a vet's office since she was fixed at 9 months because she does not do well in the car. Thank God the town gives the free rabie shots at the firehouse which is in walking distance from the house or I would be in trouble. The last time I took her for a ride I vowed that I would never again.....she tried to chew through the window to get to people on the street. It was terrible. It's hard to believe that she is such a loving family member (as long as I welcome you in this house. Outside, all bets are off). xo

  2. Sounds like she turns into Ginger when she is in the car! I am glad to hear that she is feeling better. She looked really good in the video,it is amazeing that she is 17. My neighbors dog lived to be 19!!! I love you oxox


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