Thursday, November 1, 2012

Imagine --we have to get the news about NJ from Deb in Georgia. 
Deb, let us know what is the latest.

Great that everyone is safe. 

Deb- wishing that you will heal quickly.


  1. Aunt deb - just letting you know we are all safe. A lot of us have no power but the only thing we are suffering from is stir-craziness. We will let you know when the power come back. Love you!

  2. Jeanne,thanks for the info. Im seeing all the horrible pictures on the news and was hopeing that no one had any major damage done to thier homes. Im happy that everyone is safe,that is the most important thing. I Love You.

  3. Carol. Did the guy come out to cut the tree? How is Dolores doing? I Love You.


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