Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I went to the clinic on Tuesday for bloodwork. I had to go off my bloodthinner pills and now I have to have 2 shots in my stomache twice a day for 2 weeks or more. I went to the foot doctor today for a recheck. Friday I go to the hospital for an ekg and bloodwork. We are having alot of thunderstorms here this week. I Love Everyone oxox


  1. 1 comment:
    dianeJuly 12, 2012 8:30 AM
    1-50 of 2791
    Deb, I have asked for a blessing on your behalf (I will share some of my many...) that next week around this time you make a progressive, consistant upward trek to a pain free CANCER free life. It has been a long tiring six months for you but there was never any doubt in my mind that all the seeds that you've sown would bring forth a harvest of health. I maintain that you are the bravest person I know and I am really proud of you. You are now and will always be an inspiration to me and to my girls. Please bring these words with you on tuesday. I love you.

  2. Di, thanks for the uplifting words. I am doing good. I have peace about my surgery. I am just losing a boob! Its not like I am losing my arm or leg. Having my brother in law and his kids here has been a blessing,because its been keeping my mind off of the surgery because I am so busy. I pray for you,the girls and your furry kids alot. I Love You oxox


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