Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I have to go to the radiation place tomorrow at 12;00 to talk to the radiologist to see if I need to have radiation done or not. I had a crazy thing happen to me today! The nurse pricked my finger to get a drop of blood than she sqeezed my nail and blood shot out from under my fingernail and splattered all over the wall! It scared the crap out of her! I took Dan to Kroger for a job interview it was suppose to be 5 to 6. He goes in and the girl at the counter tells him "come back tomorrow after one, there is no one here tonight that can do an interview." Dan is graduating on Saturday. You can watch the ceremony online. I will post the info tomorrow. oxox

Edit: The website where you can watch my graduation ceremony live at 5:00PM on Saturday 5/26/12 is

1 comment:

  1. Congratulaltions Danny.. How neat that we can watch online.
    Be sure to wave back to us.


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