Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I went to the center yesterday, my bloodwork was good.I have the lumps in my right calf again.My fingernails are really sore this time,its hard for me to put on my support stockings. Some people lose their fingernails during chemo! Tomorrow I have an appointment to see the ear doctor for an earache. We went to Golden corral for Easter dinner,the food was good. It has been in the 40's in the mornings and than shoots up to the low 80's in the afternoons.


  1. we have been having the same temperature fluctuations but we do not reach the 80's.
    I hope you can get your earache under control That has always been a problem for you.
    I have been following up on golden coral in NJ they are only in south jersey. Too bad.....
    The only thing you need fingernails for is picking your nose and clearing your ears......and getting stickers off .

  2. Carol,Id rather have sore nails than no nails!
    I hope you will be able to get some yard work done. I know how much you like to be outside.Watch out for the bears! I love you.oxox


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