Saturday, March 24, 2012


  1. Deb,
    Thank you for posting this song, I listened to it several times over the weekend.I want to share with you a message of the supernatural kind that was delivered to me not so long ago. I was feeling paralized and not able to get out of my own way when I came to a decision that I was'nt gonna be a victim any longer. Shortly thereafter I fell and broke my shoulder. In the weeks following I had great uneasiness about making some decisions, but everything depended on whether or not I could work. More then once there was a powerful quiet voice that came to me repeating that I am where I am suppose to be. That experience comforted me for a few days at a time until one day I felt like I was too heavy to get up and I was never gonna be able to move again when a big strong feeling came over me and without a sound I heard the words "YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE. LAY DOWN AND STAY DOWN. I WILL TELL YOU WHEN TO GET UP". I'm sharing this with you because for whatever reason we go through things that seem unfair, but when the right time comes....we will be directed through and past the challenge only to come out better in the end. I know this is a lesson you live by and that is why I don't worry about you as much as I did when you were first diagnosed. The way you have handled yourself makes me feel like I have been the little sister and I'm not going to lie....I am in awe of your strength, your faith and your determination to use this time as a trampoline to catapult you to a better life with a greater purpose. i love you, Diane

  2. Di,Mandisa was one of the finalist on American Idol a couple of seasons ago.God has helped me so many times through listening to Christian music,thats why I sent you those cds. I feel like you have it so much worse than I do. You have had alot of losses in a short amount of time. The loss of Mom,the loss of your furry kids,the loss of your marriage,the loss of Maria,
    finances, and the use of your arm. Thats too much for any one to have to go through. You have always been a very generous and giving person. And I know that it is really hard for you to accept help from others. Di, LET everyone help you now,dont let them miss out on this opportunity to Bless you have Blessed others. Just keep looking up and asking God to give you the strength to go on. I will pray that God gives you wisdom and direction. One step at a day at a time...
    I love you, Deb oxox


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