Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sleepless in Georgia

Before chemo I hit the pillow and was out like a light. After chemo I hit the pillow and Im up all night!
(hey this could be a song). Its my second chemo treatment tomorrow, I think I have 6 or 7 more after this.
The only thing that will get me out of this would be if the Rapture happens tonight....      
The only way that I can explain how chemo is for me is that it feels like I have the flu,an ear infection and depression all at the same time for 10 days. (Im sure its different for everyone). Oh well ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Ill hope and pray for the best. I love and care about ALL of you.  Deb oxox


  1. Remember to Tell the nurse these symptoms that you had and ask if she can give you meds to take at home to help with your stomach, depression and discomfort.

    Hope this treatment goes better.

  2. Carol, I did talk to the nurse she called me in medicine, It didnt work,but this time My insurance approved the nausea drug in my I.V so Im hoping that helps. Advil works the best for me,But I cant take it because it interfers with the boodwork,I have to use aleeve, it doest work so well for me. Ive seen what Steve went through with aLL the differant antidepresants that he tried for 4 years,and I say no thankyou,the less drugs I have to be on,is better for me!The depression is from what they refer to as Chemo Brain,it goes away when the chemo gets out of my system. Thanks for your concern,dont worry about me,Im in GODS hands,and you cant get any better than that. I Love You, Deb oxox


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