Friday, February 10, 2012


This time was much better for me,fist of all I knew the routine from last time so I wasnt nervous about that.
  Last time I was there from 9-5,this time it was 9-2. They were able to draw blood from my port and do the chemo in my port which was a blessing for me. God also blessed me in the chemo room,there are 16 recliners in this huge room, and I ended up sitting next to the perfect person for me. She moved here from
NewJersey and she knew all about BuddLake,so we had alot to talk about.Two of my five hours flew by just blabbing with her. I just feel really HYPER today,thats how I felt the last time I had chemo in January.
Tomorrow I have to take Dan to the school at 8a.m. to take the A.C.T. test for college. I'll take Sadie girl with me.If   I feel descent we will get some gas and hit the grocery store. I love ya'll (like the trueSoutherners say).   Thankyou everyone for the posts,pictures encouragement,text messages,letters getwell wishes and
prayers. Like I said to my neighbor,(    I am just trying to make Lemonaid out of lemons). Think PINK and think POSITIVE.

1 comment:

  1. Deb i am sooo glad to read this post i was worried about you yesterday and now i am happy to read that you did so well Hope you have a very restful peaceful weekend enjoy the weather... snow here Love you Lots xoxo


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