Monday, February 6, 2012


Went to the doctor today,my bloodwork looks good,my port is still swollen and sore,but it is getting better I hope they can do chemo in my port on Friday and I dont have to have it in my arm. my arms are pretty sore from all the bloodwork Ive been having done lately. My legs are swollen. I really wanted to work outside this weekend with Sadie,but I had this set back. My hair has been falling out alot,I go to have my hair cut short and to get my wig on Wednesday. I have to take Sadie to the vet. tomorrow to get her second medicated bath done,I was going to do these myself,but now I cant.Oh well thats life!


  1. I am praying that you dont feel so sick after this Friday's treatment. You would probably benefit from good anti embolic knee hi elastic stockings for the swelling and to prevent phlebitis. Keep your legs elevated whenever you can.

    Sorry to hear that you won't be able to do the work you wanted with Sadie and outside. Lacey and Sunny must be jealous that Sadie is getting all the attention.

    The flip side of the coin--you won't have to dye your hair every month.

    Where does Diane find these pictures. Unbelievable.

  2. Carol,I have support knee hi's,I wear them every day. Can you believe that they cost $50.00 for one pair? Lacie is pretty easy going,Its the Princess Sadie that demands to be number one. She is the one that gets jealous.I dont know where Diane finds these awesome pictures,it must take alot of her time to find them. Thankyou foryour prayers, I love you, Deb oxox


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