Saturday, February 18, 2012

I'm still kicking

I have been laying on the couch the whole week,my bloodwork wasnt as good this time. I had to go on a stronger antibiotic this time. My face and neck swelled up for 3 days. Everything I eat doesnt taste good because of the crappy metallic aftertaste I have,Im hungry all the time,the nurse said that it is from the steroids. I have an ear infection,I have to go pick up ear drops on Monday. Hopefully they will make me feel better.Now I have superficial phlebitis in the opposite calf , I need to keep an eye on it to make sure I dont end up with blood clots.I still havent been able to sleep at night. Monday Ill call the nurse and have her call me in a different medicine.Sadie hasnt had a walk in 9 days, mabe Ill be able to walk her next week. I missed out on alot of B1G1 grocery deals too. On the bright side,Im still able to drive,Steve did the dishes for me twice,ordered pizza for Valentines Day,picked up Dan for Valentines Day,gave me chocolate,flowers and a nice card, I also received a package today in the mail from a friend in Pa, she wrapped it in butterfly wrapping paper,which has a special meaning to me. GOD IS GOOD All THE TIME.   I love everyone oxox   Deb

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