Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Im feeling better

My earache is much better,my back pain is better and my normal taste is back.I have cancer in other areas   in my breast,so I have to have a mastectomy. Im trying not to think about that now,just trying to get through this first. I go to see the doctor in May to talk about surgery. My other appointment  that I had yesterday was with a genetic counselor, I should get my test results in 2 weeks. I will let everyone know at that time if this cancer is genetic or not.The test was the easiest test I have had so far,I was so happy when they told me I didnt have to give blood. They had me swish scope in my mouth and spit it in a tube.


  1. I know how disappointed you must be about the test results. The decision has been made for you, so you can focus on this part of your treatment. Keep up that positive attitude. I am always in awe of all that you do and all of the dependants you have relying on you. But this needs to be a selfish time for you..

  2. WOW...This might be the first time ever that I totally agree with Carol !!! So So True Deb It's all about you. Take everything you can from each and everyone one of us and fuel your positivity your faith and your powerful attitude. We are all here for you - God Family Friends and Pets Just care for yourself every minute so you can get better every day You deserve the best All our love always L. xoxo


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