Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I have pain and redness where my port is,and I have a painful lump in my left leg,so right away I thought that I have a bloodclot. I got on the phone with the nurse and she said that I needed to go to the emergency room. I went and had an ultrasound done, and thankfully it wasnt a clot. Turns out I have phlebitis in my calf
and a bacterial infection in my port. I jinxed myself,I just told my neighbor yesterday that I was feeling better.


  1. Sorry to hear that you had to make an ER visit.What did they say about the infection at the port. And what did they say about the phlebitis.
    You said your spirits are lifted when you read the scriptures, so I imagine that is what you will be doing. I have been reading those that you sent me.
    Hope all your flowers bloom--that would be uplifting to see this time of year.

    Wishing you a better day today. I love you carol

  2. carol,Im taking antibiotics for the infection,I see the doctor on Friday.I have superficial phlebitis,the hospital gave me a list of things to do that will help. I love you,Deb

  3. Hi Aunt Deb,
    I hope today is a better day for you and you can get some rest.
    We pray for you every night.

  4. Colleen thankyou for the prayers and the get well wishes. I love you,
    Aunt Deb


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